Become a worker

Find flexible, contract work in your local area.

How it works
The simple and safe way to work and help

mycare become worker
Step 1

Sign up

Create your profile, list your qualifications and the times you’re available.

mycare complete profile
Step 2

Complete profile

Select your hourly rate and what type of work you’d like.

mycare search find work
Step 3


Search for existing jobs and message people near you.

mycare share profile
Step 4

Share your profile

Promote your profile to help find work in your own networks.

There are many ways the Mycare community can help

Personal care

Personal care

Need help getting in and out of bed, or bathing? Getting dressed, looking sharp and tidy? Home help to support you through your day.
Help at home

Help at home

Those daily chores like the washing up and laundry. Mopping the floors and vacuuming. Changing the sheets and making beds. Light gardening and tidying up the section.


From help preparing meals to support with eating. Planning the menu or trips to the supermarket.


Listening and chatting. A game of cards, a cup of tea. A walk in the park, a trip to the shops.
Live-in support

Live-in support

Making sure help is always at hand. Support with the daily tasks and overnight assistance.


Assisting you with the day-to-day errands. From picking up your prescriptions to help with the shopping.

What people say about Mycare

Tracey Jane, Auckland
I like communicating directly with my clients. Mycare handles the payments. The booking system is easy to use and understand. Mycare staff are very helpful.
Marilyn, Waikato
I love that the worker and client are able to negotiate all aspects of the care position.

Sign up for free today